October 31, 2005
Well Well Well I thought I would bring you guys some catwoman this week since it is Holloween. This shoot was one of the hardest shoots that I have done only because I was ontop of my photographers roof scared to death and cold as hell trying to get some good shots. It worked out well I guess I play a great cat woman. I'm being Tigress for holloween by the way. Stay tuned for some of those pics and JOIN today.

Miss Giana Taylor


Guest Diva Model Champagne
I'm lost for words I must say that I'm very honored to have the one and only Ice Cold Champagne do an apperance on my site. I'm sure all of you men know who this sexy glass of champagne is and if you don't you should be ashamed of yourself. But you can get to know her visit www.icecoldchampagne.com  If I was not enough to make you join maybe she is... Join Today!!!!!
